Rav Ben and Ellie Menora took lead of JLIC at Binghamton in 2021, moving there from Alon Shvut with their children – Maayan, Hodaya Malka, Moshe and Ayelet Rachel. Baby Adi Rivka joined the family in 2023. Ben made Aliya as a kid from Chicago, IL. He served 3 years in IDF’s Golani brigade, learned in Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh (KBY) both before and after his army service, then earned an LL.B. at Bar-Ilan University, while splitting his time between the law library and the BIU Kollel. After 2 years at a corporate law firm, Ben joined the Kollel at Yeshivat Har Etzion (Gush) and received a teacher’s certificate from Herzog College. When he can find the time, Ben enjoys trail running, jamming, researching genealogy, solving puzzles, and playing hockey.

Rabbi Ben Menora and Ellie Menora

Ellie made Aliya from London with her parents and five siblings. She started training in gymnastics and swimming at the age of 5 and is a certified instructor in both. Ellie studied at Midreshet Tehillah, earned her BSN at Machon Tal in Jerusalem, and trained with Rabanit Shani Taragin to become a Kallah teacher. Before moving to Binghamton, Ellie was an ER nurse in Shaare Zedek hospital and volunteered as a medic for Magen David Adom. Ellie thoroughly enjoys hiking, running, swimming, a good cup of coffee, spending quality time with her family and friends, and hosting meals on Shabbat and Chag.


To speak with Rabbi Ben Menora please contact him at:


To speak with Ellie Menora please contact her at:
